Letter from Grief

Dear Tamara, I am so sorry you have experienced me full force.  I am the most painful when a parent loses a child.  I am relentless, ever present and I shred your heart to pieces.  I specialize in breaking you wide open to change you forever. I know you hated me at first.  You plunged […]

Signs of Logan

The sign came when I was in a Goodwill store looking for cheap pictures to cover my bare walls. I downsized from a four bedroom two-car garage house, that was no longer a home, in a typical grass-groomed suburbia neighborhood to a two bedroom apartment in middle one of the busiest tech centers in the […]

Am I still a mom?

The firsts are beyond hard. Here comes another one, Mother’s Day.  What does Mother’s Day mean to a mom whose only child is dead? Am I still a mother? I won’t be getting any cards, well wishes, flowers, a big hug, kiss on the cheek or half-baked pancakes loaded with whip cream from my son […]

Finding treasures

I hang on to everything I can find of Logan’s such as his pictures, his running shoes, his special shirts and his goal boards.  As I go through his room, I find written treasures tucked away in a book or crumpled up deep in a drawer. Today, I came across one of the first pieces […]